In Dialogue...
Establishing your theatre practice in the industry is an increasingly demanding challenge due to restrictions posed by funding, opportunity, access and space. The In Dialogue... series helps create that space, offering current and past participants of Scottish Youth Theatre projects a moment to gather and evaluate the pinnacles, pitfalls and peripheries they’ve experienced when developing their creative practice. Encountering a new theme each episode, artists, designers, writers and performers come together to discuss where obstacles lie for them and, ultimately, how new and exciting work can be collaboratively forged.
In Dialogue...
In-between Emerging and Professional
Joined by 5 young artists from the Trajectories programme – Bethan Murray, Iman Akhtar, Julia Hegele, Lily Carmen Smith and Michael Phillips – episode 1 probes the liminal space between emerging and professional practice: is this gap experience or CV dependent, how may it be affected by access and what is granted by the sector, and how may emerging artists, in turn, create their own opportunities?
This episode was recorded in June 2022, when the artists were on the Trajectories programme. To find out more about the project and view the work they presented at the end sharing in July, please visit: https://scottishyouththeatre.org/national-artistic-programme/trajectories/